Psychological First Aid - What is it and do I need it?

Psychological First Aid - What is it and do I need it?

Our health and wellbeing go beyond the physical aspects of ourselves. Mental health plays a role in our ability to participate in our communities. Mental health conditions can have a severe effect on all areas of our life including relationships at home, school and the workplace, our work performance and how we deal with stressful situations. While stress is normal, it is important to watch for severe reactions to stress which can cause a decline in our mental health stability.

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Security, reactive or proactive?

Security, reactive or proactive?

We frequently hear from business owners when they react to an unfortunate security incident. Those businesses who may never have had a security issue may underestimate the importance of having a security plan in place. Unfortunately, many business owners don't feel the need for a security plan until they have been affected by a negative incident.

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FIRST AID: Do you know how to give your child CPR?

FIRST AID: Do you know how to give your child CPR?

Here are some simple, life-saving tips for performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on a child over the age of 1 year. On discovering a collapsed child, check the scene for danger and establish whether he or she is conscious or unconscious. Speak loudly and clearly to the child, ask ‘What happened?’ or give a command such as ‘Open your eyes’.

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