$215.00 /per person
Emergency Medical Assistants (First Responder, Emergency Medical Responder,
Primary Care Paramedic, Advanced Care Paramedic, Critical Care Paramedic) working within the 911 system in British Columbia are licensed by the Emergency Medical
Assistants Licensing Board (the EMALB). The Board is responsible for examining,
registering, and licensing all Emergency Medical Assistants (EMAs). The new scope of practice changes were formally passed into law on September 23, 2022, with the intent of having license holders updated to the new scope of practice by SEPTEMBER 2025. If you do not complete the scope update by September 2025, your EMR license will be subject to restrictions.
This program meets the requirements of EMALB for current license holders to update their scope of practice. Courses use a combination of online learning, lecture,
discussion, and scenarios taken from Emergency Medical Assistance Industry. This is not a CRC recertification course – attending this training will not alter Red Cross certification dates.
Pre-course Requirements:
• The learner holds a current license with EMALB at the First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder level AND
• Current CRC First Responder certificate OR
• Current CRC Emergency Medical Responder certificate OR
• Current First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder certificate that is recog-nized by EMALB.
Course Length (Minimum Teaching Hours):
Blended (full length) - 8 hours online learning (must be completed prior to joining the face-to-face, Instructor-led classroom segment).
16 hours face-to-face Instructor-led in the classroom.
Course Content including but not limited to:
Required Learner Materials:
Canadian Red Cross Emergency Care for Professional
Responders Reference Text (Print or Digital version)